Who Needs to File a Schedule C?

A Schedule C needs to be filed as part of 1040 Form by Sole Proprietors, single-member LLCs, and independent contractors who earn income through self-employment

The 1040 Form is your overall tax return, and Schedule C is a critical component for anyone reporting business income or losses. Together, they ensure you accurately account for your business activities and comply with tax laws.

A 1040 + Schedule C needs to be filed by:

  • Sole proprietors
  • Single-member LLCs (not taxed as corporations)
  • Independent contractors or freelancers who earn income through self-employment

  • When Schedule C Is Needed:

    • A Schedule C is required if you operate as a sole proprietor or single-member LLC and have business income effectively connected to the U.S.
    • It is used to report your business income, expenses, and net profit or loss.
    • You are a U.S. Resident
  • Self-Employment Tax Exemption for Non-Residents:

    • Non-residents are not subject to self-employment tax (Social Security and Medicare taxes) 

Although doola does not help with preparing individual tax returns (form 1040), we do assist with Schedule C preparation.