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What is doola Perks?

doola perks is available for all doola members that are looking to shop in the United States.

You can sign up for doola perks at doola.perkspot.com

doola Perks Features

  1. Personalized Savings - Let us know what you’re interested in so we can ensure
    you’re seeing the perks you’ll most enjoy, front and center on your Discount Program Home Page

  2. Brands Fit For Every Lifestyle - Looking for something specific? The Brands page, found in the Popular Perks section, is an easy and quick way to search for all of the discounts available to you.

  3. Suggest a Business - Don’t see what you’re looking for? Head to the Suggest

    a Business page, found in the upper right-hand corner of your Home Page under Account Options, to suggest your favorite brands and local spots be added to your Discount Program

  4. Dedicated Support - PerkSpot’s customer support team is here to help with any questions. We've included important information regarding our availability should you need assistance!

    Monday - Friday
    9:00 AM - 7:00 PM EST

    Phone Number


    Help Center