What are the business formation fees?

To start an LLC business, you have to pay a Business Setup fee and a State fee.

Business Setup Fee: $297
State Fee: Varies by State, see the chart below, Column 2 (LLC State Filing Fee).

To continue operating your business, you may have to pay annual fees to the State to keep your LLC compliant.

State Fee: Varies by State, see the chart below, Column 3 (LLC Annual Fee).

As part of your doola subscription, we keep you reminded about all of these fees, so you stay in operation and avoid late fees. These fees vary state by state (for example, the Wyoming annual filing fee is $50 and the Delaware annual franchise tax fee is $300).

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State LLC

LLC State Filing Fee

LLC Annual Fee

Alabama LLC


$50 minimum (every year)

Alaska LLC


$100 (every 2 years)

Arizona LLC


$0 (no fee and no information report)

Arkansas LLC


$150 (every year)

California LLC

$70 $0 (Good news! California LLCs are free until June 2023.)

$800 (every year) + $20 (every 2 years)

Colorado LLC


$10 (every year)

Connecticut LLC


$80 (every year)

Delaware LLC


$300 (every year)

Florida LLC


$138.75 (every year)

Georgia LLC


$50 (every year)

Hawaii LLC


$15 (every year)

Idaho LLC


$0 (however, an information report must be filed every year)

Illinois LLC


$75 (every year)

Indiana LLC


$31 (every 2 years)

Iowa LLC


$30 (every 2 years)

Kansas LLC


$50 (every year)

Kentucky LLC

$40 (sorry, I said $90 in the video)

$15 (every year)

Louisiana LLC


$35 (every year)

Maine LLC


$85 (every year)

Maryland LLC


$300 (every year)

Massachusetts LLC


$500 (every year)

Michigan LLC


$25 (every year)

Minnesota LLC


$0 (however, an information report must be filed every year)

Mississippi LLC


$0 (however, an information report must be filed every year)

Missouri LLC


$0 (no fee and no information report)

Montana LLC

$70 $35

$20 (every year)

Nebraska LLC


$13 (every 2 years)

Nevada LLC


$350 (every year)

New Hampshire LLC


$100 (every year)

New Jersey LLC


$75 (every year)

New Mexico LLC


$0 (no fee and no information report)

New York LLC


$9 (every 2 years)

North Carolina LLC


$200 (every year)

North Dakota LLC


$50 (every year)

Ohio LLC


$0 (no fee and no information report)

Oklahoma LLC


$25 (every year)

Oregon LLC


$100 (every year)

Pennsylvania LLC


$70 (every 10 years)

Rhode Island LLC


$50 (every year)

South Carolina LLC


$0 (no fee and no information report, unless LLC is taxed as an S-Corp )

South Dakota LLC


$50 (every year)

Tennessee LLC


$300 (every year)

Texas LLC


$0 for most LLCs (however a No Tax Due Report and Public Information Report must be filed every year)

Utah LLC


$18 (every year)

Vermont LLC


$35 (every year)

Virginia LLC


$50 (every year)

Washington LLC


$60 (every year)

Washington DC LLC


$300 (every 2 years)

West Virginia LLC


$25 (every year)

Wisconsin LLC


$25 (every year)

Wyoming LLC


$60 minimum (every year)