How long will it take to get an EIN (Employer Identification Number)?

We apply for your EIN as soon as we receive your company formation documents from the State.

The timeframe to get the EIN varies depending on the method of application. Our typical timeframes are:

Application Method Timeframe
With US Social Security Number (SSN) 1-2 days
Expedited EIN w/o US SSN 2-3 weeks
Non-Expedited EIN w/o US SSN 4-6 week

We may experience longer than normal processing times from December through April. This is due to the IRS preparing for and working US tax returns. The typical timeframe during these months are:

Application Method (Dec - April) Timeframe
With US Social Security Number (SSN) 1-2 days
Expedited EIN w/o US SSN 5-8 weeks
Non-Expedited EIN w/o US SSN 9-12 week