A State by State Guide of LLC Fees

What is an LLC Filing Fee?

  • A one-time fee paid to the state is called the filing fee of LLC.

  • This is not a monthly fee. No state has a monthly LLC fee system.

A one-time fee paid to the state is called the filing fee of LLC.

This is not a monthly fee. No state has a monthly LLC fee system.

What is a Recurring Fee?

  • A mandatory recurring fee that is paid directly to the state every year (annually) or every other year (biennially).

  • This is to keep your LLC in good standing!

  • In most states, if you do not pay this recurring fee, your LLC will get shut down.

A mandatory recurring fee that is paid directly to the state every year (annually) or every other year (biennially).

This is to keep your LLC in good standing!

In most states, if you do not pay this recurring fee, your LLC will get shut down.

Important Note: Lower Fees Does Not Mean You Should Form in That State!

At a high level:

  • If you are non-US resident you can choose any state to form your LLC in. For non-US residents, the two most popular states we've seen for forming an LLC is Wyoming or Delaware and you can read a nice guide here which compares the pro's and con's of forming in each state!

  • If you live in the US, it makes the most sense to file an LLC in the state in which you live in / reside in. If you choose a state that isn't your home state where you reside, then, you might have to do what is called a domestic LLC filing and a Foreign LLC filing which would require you to pay for and effectively maintain the costs = 2 LLCs!

  • However, at the end of the day, it's your business, your choice!

If you are non-US resident you can choose any state to form your LLC in. For non-US residents, the two most popular states we've seen for forming an LLC is Wyoming or Delaware and you can read a nice guide here which compares the pro's and con's of forming in each state!

If you live in the US, it makes the most sense to file an LLC in the state in which you live in / reside in. If you choose a state that isn't your home state where you reside, then, you might have to do what is called a domestic LLC filing and a Foreign LLC filing which would require you to pay for and effectively maintain the costs = 2 LLCs!

However, at the end of the day, it's your business, your choice!

LLC Filing Costs + Recurring Fees by State

This list shows filing fees and recurring fees as of 2020

Alabama State filing fee is a minimum of $150 that can vary from country to country. The recurring fees of this state are $100 includes annual privilege tax.

Alaska State filing fee is about $250 and the recurring fee is $200 every two years.

Arizona State, the filing fee is $50 with publishing cost. The report of recurring fees annually is $0.

Arkansas State has a $50 filing fee and the recurring fee is $150.

California State has a $70 filing fee and $800 franchise tax annually and a $20 statement of information annually.

Colorado State has a $50 filing fee and the recurring fee is $10 annually.

Connecticut State has a $120 filing fee and $20 annual recurring fee.

Delaware State has $90 and the recurring fee is $300 franchise tax annually.

Florida State has $125 and the recurring fee is $138.75 annually.

Georgia State has a $100 filing fee and the recurring fee is $50 annually.

Hawaii State has a $50 filing fee and $15 recurring fee annually.

Idaho State has a filing fee of $100. And recurring fee about $0.

Indiana State has $95 online and $100 by a mail filing fee and the recurring fee of $20.

Illinois State has a $150 filing fee and a $75 recurring fee.

Iowa State has a filing fee of $50 and $60 recurring fee according to the biennial report.

Kansas State has a filing fee of $160 online and $165 by mail. The recurring fee of this state is $55 annually.

Kentucky State has a filing fee of $40 and the recurring fee of $15 annually.

Louisiana State has a $100 filing fee and the recurring fee of $30 annually.

Maine State has a $175 filing fee and $85 annually recurring fee.

Maryland State has a $100 filing fee and a $300 annual recurring fee.

Massachusetts State has a $500 filing fee and a recurring fee is also $500 annually.

Michigan State has a $50 filing fee and a recurring fee is $25 annually.

Minnesota State has a $135 filing fee and the recurring fee is $0 annually.

Mississippi State has a $50 filing fee and a recurring fee is $0.

Montana State has a $70 filing fee and the recurring fee of this state is recorded as $20 annually.

Nebraska State has a $105 filing fee. The recurring fee is $10 biennially.

Nevada State has $75 plus $150 for an initial list of officers. And the recurring fee is $150 annually.

New Hampshire State has a filing fee of $100 and the recurring fee is about $100 annually.

New Jersey State has a filing fee of $125 and the recurring fee of $50 annually.

New Mexico State has a filing fee of $50 and the recurring fee is $0.

New York State has a filing fee of $200 and a $9 recurring fee.

North Dakota State has a $125 filing fee and $50 annual recurring fee.

Ohio State has a $99 filing fee and $0 recurring fee.

Oklahoma State has a $100 filing fee and $25 recurring fee.

Oregon State has a $100 filing fee and $100 recurring fee

Pennsylvania State has a filing fee of $125 and a recurring fee of $0.

Rhode Island State has a filing fee of $150 and the recurring fee is $0.

South Carolina State has a filing fee of $110 and a recurring fee of $0.

Tennessee State has a filing fee of $300 minimum and a recurring fee of $300 minimum.

Texas State has a $300 filing fee and reportedly has a $0 recurring fee.

Utah State has a $70 filing fee and the recurring fee of $ 15.

Virginia State has a $100 filing fee and a $50 recurring fee.

Washington State has a $200 filing fee and $60 recurring fee.

Wyoming State has a $100 mail and $102 filing fee and $50 annual recurring fee.

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